DidatSY inspired!!! Remember: To succeed, you either be the first, the best, or different...I choose different For strictly Agricultural content, kindly type "Agric" in the search button above ^ . Thank you

Saturday, June 30

Getting You Inspired To Change The World

"Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you." - Madeline Bridges

"If we want to change things, we must first change ourselves. If we want to play - if we want to change the world - we must first show up on the field to score. " - Paul Rusesabagina

"If you get, give. If you learn, teach." - Maya Angelou

"Don't ever forget that you're a citizen of this world, and there are things you can do to lift the human spirit, things that are easy, things that are free, things that you can do every day. Civility, respect, kindness, character." - Aaron Sorkin

"The miracle of your mind isn't that you can see the world as it is. It's that you can see the world as it isn't." - Kathryn Schulz
 "Smart may have the brains, but Stupid has the balls...Smart Critiques, Stupid Creates...Smart has the plans, Stupid has the stories...Smart sees what there is, Stupid sees what there could be...Stupid may fail, Smart doesn't even try...Smart had one good idea and that idea was [initially] Stupid." - Diesel

"No matter how convenient it is for us to reach out to people remotely, sometimes the most important task is to show up in person." - Blake Mycoskie

"If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. If you do that, you can change the way people live their lives. That's the only lasting thing you can create." - Chuck Palahniuk

"To make any kind of progress, we need to imagine a different reality and believe it's possible." - Tali Sharot

"We can all reduce our life to a description that makes people feel sorry for ourselves or we can expand our life to a dimension where we connect and give to others." - Tony Robbins

"Why you? Because there's no one better. Why now? Because tomorrow isn't soon enough." - Donna Brazile

"If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person." - Fred (Mr.) Rogers

"When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else." - Iyanla Vanzant

Friday, June 29

Where is your "Soccket?!"

Do you daydream about inventions you would like to see happen but too scared to even delve into it?

I know I do, but the difference is I'm not scared. [Hunnie, if I was scared, I wouldn't even have this blog...and don't get me started on my ideas ;)...it's big baby!]

You have plans that could change the world. Not necessary for the aim of getting your name out there, but for the goal of making a GREAT IMPACT in the universe.

Nahhhh! Don't be confused (as to where I'm going with this). I'd like y'all to take in this story I came across while reading Oprah's online ....#thingymabob!

#AndNoI'mNotAnOprahFreak...Don'tEvenKnowHerLikeThat# 8-|


                     Genius Idea: The Soccer Ball That Can Power a Lamp

      In 2010 Julia Silvermand and Jessica Matthews traveled halfway around the world, hoping to light
      up some of the more impoverished villages of South Africa and Nigeria by testing some soccer balls
      there. But not just any soccer balls: their Socckets, as they call them, house gyroscopic mechanisms
      that harness energy from the ball's motion. After being kicked around for 30 minutes, the balls can
      power a small LED lamp for three hours- long enough for a child whose home lacks electricity
      to do homework or read a book. Since most communities in Africa are crazy about soccer, the ball
      was a hit. "The kids thought it wad magic," Silverman says, "but I could also see the wheels turning
      in their heads. One boy came back with a drawing of a ball with windmills sticking out of it. They 
      wanted to be inventors, too."

      The idea of the Soccket dates to an undergraduate engineering class at Harvard. There, Silverman
      and Matthews...drew on their experiences abroad- Matthews's family is from Nigeria, and Silverman
      had worked in sub-Saharan Africa- to devise a technically simple idea that could make a huge differ-
      ence to the 1.4 billion people in the world living without electricity. The group knew that kerosene
      lamps emit dangerous fumes. While brainstorming alternatives, they thought of so-called shake 
      flashlights, which are powered by motion, not batteries. Soon they'd put one inside a hamster ball to
      demonstrate how the global mania for soccer might help bring light to the places that don't have it.
      After the term ended, Matthews and Silverman worked with a design firm to create a more realistic
      prototype, a dead ringer for an actual soccer ball, except for the small plug on the outside.

      In 2011, the duo quit their jobs...to focus on the Soccket...Matthews says "We want people to
      realize that making a difference doesn't have to be serious and boring. It can be as simple and fun
      as playing soccer."
=d>                  ...                 :-b

I know what you are thinking. Finance is what's holding you back. Well if you have an idea that's phenomenal I bet no one would be stupid enough NOT to invest in such a gold-mine :-c . Plus, I'm all about making dreams come true. Pitch your idea to me ;) and we can strategize how to win with Dangote or whomeverz got the ...#HowDoIPutThis?!#... Cha-ching! b-)

So, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna remain a dream-killer 8-} ? A daydreamer 8-> ? Or a Go-getter <):) ?!

Thursday, June 28

Laff IT Off - Recruitment Agency!

Looking for a (better) job can be so discouraging. Look what I got myself into on Tuesday, heading to an interview I received an electronic mail invitation to.

Tuesday, June 26

AFCS all day, ERR'day!

My motto is never live your life with regrets. Every decision you make, every unexpected circumstance, every short-lived victory...is a stepping to a greater future (just don't be stupid and oblivious to your surroundings).

I'm also very proud of my accomplishments till date #thankyouGod#. You may have also noticed that I am a bit patriotic #ThoughItzSoDamnHard 8-| # and very proud of my alma maters as well. I mean it's no Harvard #-o , however, it did contribute and mold me into the brilliant ;;) beautiful young lady I am today #OfcourseIwasntGonnaLeaveItSimple# >:p

So right now, I just wanna give a little hoot-hoot to the phenomenal secondary institution I attended.

Why, you ask?!

Please take the time to read this article: http://www.punchng.com/education/nigerian-breaks-academic-record-at-john-hopkins-university/

I am a proud alumni of AirForce Comprehensive School, Iyana-Offa, Ibadan, Oyo state (baby!). So is this young fellow (despite the 2 minutes he spent there)...and Mr. Fabamwo himself (that's right, TWITCH). AFCS, for short, gave us some hard times: no provisions i.e. goodies from home, the junior ladies had to cut their hair, 5 a.m. morning joggings, evil seniors, annoying juniors, weird teachers, terrrribllle food (dat seemed not too far from d ishh at the time), etc. However, it didn't mess us up, that's for sure. Now, I see my future and not scared to tackle it (you needed to have met the seniors at Airforce...you would survive ANYTHING afta that :-p lool)

Hmmm....and I've had a few people laugh when I tell them the name of my school(s) #YouKnowYourselves |-) # Yet, here we are. You're reading my blog, I'm seeking your help and advice. We are working together, loving each other. I say, HA! (sha)

Before I keep digressing though, most importantly, we need to be proud of Nigeria. We are creating great leaders. If he can do it, you can do it too ("With Can-do" who remembers that commercial?! hehe!)

Alright people. Go out there and make YOU proud (then come back here so I can talk about you too b-) )

P/S:  =)) @ "African booty scratcher" #goodtimes#

Meet the Young GentleMan called TWITCH!!!

All productions of the House of Twitch.

Have you heard of EXTREME or ULTIMATE FITNESS (Africa’s #1 fitness Magazine)???

One VERY IMPORTANT NAME you should know by now and if you don’t, you are soooo missing out…yep! That’s a FACT!

He’s the next big thing…#mybad!# He’s the right-now man…#myfault# He’s the trending young entrepreneur, definitely going places… #Sorry-TrynaFindTheRightSentence#...He’s (ready for it?!)

TWITCH… the founder of House of Twitch b-)

                                                    =d>  ###Applaud!!!####  =d>

Oh, did I mention, He’s also a very good friend ;) ;) (lemme famz abeg)

It’s gives me great pleasure to introduce you all to this beautiful mastermind, Mr Twitch himself :).

*Conversation between Twitch and I*
Q: Hey dear, could you properly introduce yourself please?! Who is Twitch?
A: Twitch is the nickname for Mr. Ayotunde Fabamwo, the president of the House of Twitch.
Q: What is the House of Twitch about?
A: House of Twitch is an EVENT MANAGEMENT company. We plan weddings, birthdays, but popularly known for the production of the MR. IDEAL NIGERIA and MISS OMOLEWA NIGERIA pageants.
Q: Enlighten us. Where did the inspiration of Mr. Ideal and Miss Omolewa come from?
A: Inspiration… (hmmm!) From a very young age, my mum told me it’s important to grow in life and help make a difference in the world, and I wanted to do just that. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and giving to charity so decided to come up with platforms that will produce ambassadors that will champion the causes I wanted to get involved in. I was about 20 at the time but I didn’t think I was too young to do that.
                             (Me thinking: My kinda man ;) …plus mum is speaking the truff)
Q: Anything else you’d like to say in that regard…Go on, don’t be shy:d?
A: The Miss Omolewa Nigeria is a TEENAGE pageant that produces a goodwill ambassador that campaigns about causes affecting our Nigerian children.
Mr. Ideal Nigeria is for the males between 17 – 30 years, and the winner aside STARTING HIS OWN BUSINESS, and representing Nigeria at the EARTH WORLDWIDE PAGEANT, also raises money for small scale business start-ups.
The House of Twitch with its network of Young CEOs is no doubt the future of Nigeria.
                                          (Me thinking yet again: TELL ‘EM!)
Mr. Ideal 2012, Mr. Abayomi Towase

Q: Mmmm…so out of curiosity, ;) Who is Mr. Ideal?
A: Mr. Ideal Nigeria is the search for an individual with a unique combination of a fit body tone and an entrepreneurial mind. The winner goes on to start his own business and represents Nigeria at the Mister Earth Worldwide pageant (in Guatamala). This year’s winner, ABAYOMI TOWASE, is the face of Chicloc watch. He will also get a feature in a Yewande Adekoya movie. The 1st runner up, with the title Mr. Ideal Nigeria- Earth 2012, Fortune Davis, is currently face of the Blue Storm Energy Drink. He also gets a chance to represent Nigeria at Body Beautiful later this year, in South Africa. Lastly, the 2nd runner up, Mr. Ideal Nigeria- Tourism 2012, Nnamdi Azuide, is the ambassador to Asaba Festival and is currently signed to ISIS modeling agency, as well as feature in an Adonis Production movie. He also gets the chance to represent Nigeria at the Mr. Tourism International, in Panama.
                  (Me thinking, datz ryt, again: :-O Nnamdi AziKIWE was in the pageant?! #jokes# But dang! Can a sista pretend to be a dude so she could go to Panama too?! =p~ )
(l - r): Nnamdi Azuide, Fortune Davis, and Abayomi Towase

Q: Cool. What other projects are you currently working on?
A: At the moment, the House of Twitch is working on MISTER AFRICA INTERNATIONAL, which is the search for the most adorable man in the world of African origin. 16 countries will be sending their delegates to London to compete for the ultimate title and of course one of the Mr. Ideal Nigeria winners will represent Nigeria at the prestigious event. It’s to be held in August/ September of the year.
Q: I’m ready to spice it up a little, Twitch ;), if I may?! What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
A: Most embarrassing moment? That’s a hard one. Well, I guess falling in front of the media in my ORANGE blazer wasn’t any fun.
Q: What is your favorite body part (on yourself and someone you would be attracted to)?
A: I love my triceps. Makes my T-shirt fit and when it comes to my ladies, I like them curvy.
Q: Are you currently seeing someone? If not, would you be interested in being set on a blind date ;)?
A: Yes, I am seeing a very special someone. Her name’s Miss Ojiegbe. She was a star in Gulder’s Ultimate Search.
#Firstname removed to protect (direct) identity of his lady-love…may I add, Too Cute :x lol#
Well, when I was single, I would have loved to be on a blind date. It would be so perfect if Miss Tiwa Savage was at the other end of the table;) .
*Conversation over*

Great choice Mr. Fabamwo…I mean, Twitch. There you have it folks. If he’s not the NEXT BIG THING, RIGHT-NOW mister, and a TRENDING YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR, I don’t know what is. #AndObamaMayActuallyBeWhite#

There's so much information I can feed you with at one go. However, for more info, log on to www.mridealnigeria.com

Thank you Twitch for your time (here with me and that spent impacting Nigeria). Wishing you all the best, dear friend. xoxo

Sunday, June 24

M-Pact Dis!

Soup Kitchen- June 23rd, 2012 (Apapa, last busstop)
"God bless you people and enrich your pockets oh," that's what she told me after she had assumed we were from Redeem Christian Church of God and received the shock that it was not (directly) a religious function.

My response, "God bless us all oh, madame. We have to help each other for Nigeria to be a better place."

Wednesday, June 20

Plans for the weekend... Giving Back!

Happy Mid-week everyone.

Hope we are all having a great week; feeling empowered, strong, and getting fulfilled. If not, Stop settling and Start looking for your nirvana :)

Oh first! I bet some of you are wondering how my matchmaking thing is going on?! Well, I'm still hopeful for positive progress :). I've hooked two beautiful people up and they are getting to know each other (that's always a good sign). It was sooo cute to watch ... till they kicked me out of the conversation 8-|

So, about this weekend! If you don't already have plans for it, I'll like to invite you to the "SOUP KITCHEN."
Basically, it's a chance to give back to our community #ExcitedMuch# :D

"It's happening this Saturday June 23rd, from 9.00am till (no later than) 12.00pm. We'll be giving away clothes, shoes, and other such apparel; raw food stuff (rice, beans, yam, raw eggs, tomato paste, seasonings, cooking oil, etc.); kitchen utensils (stuff you get from weddings and never use, for example); home appliances (e.g. that kettle that still works fine but is currently at the corner, collecting dust, because you have another in use); and so on. If it's good and you don't need it, we'll find someone who does. Call it an opportunity to de-clutter."

Lemme know if you are interested in attending or at least giving something away. Your chance to IMPACT your community; to make a difference; to affect the change o:-)

Enjoy the rest of the week, my loves. Be safe.

Monday, June 18

(Deep) Underwater sculpture...

UNITY! That's what I see when I look at this, people...Unity.

And guess what the Nigerian national motto is?!

Laff IT Off - Dear xxx!

Just another (dull) day at work. Watch this space though. I'll soon be [re-] introducing y'all to a great mind, entrepreneur, handsome-young-thang ;), and a pretty good friend...He goes by the name Twitch xoxo

However, we could have a little fun before then...I mean, since you're already here >:d< hehehe!

You may already know this game, however it's a completely different crowd now (and you are much older too, so I bet your mindz'be wondering :p)

Who knows, friendships could be made :), babies could be made :p (hope not though), questions could be popped (marriage proposals :-*), love could be sprung ;)

It's real easy. Fill in the blanks with whatever comes to mind :). Enjoy.... (and make it interesting ;;) )

Dear __________,

I ________ you. You have a nice ________. You make me _______. You should ________. Someday, I will ______. You + me = ________. If I saw you now I'd _______. Remember that time when ________? I would build a ________ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be ______. We could _______ under the stars/ any day, anytime, anywhere. 


(P/S: _____________)

Sunday, June 17

M-Pact Dis!

Hope it was a great week for everyone. Before we step into the new week, could we inspire each other to be more positive?! What did you do this week that deserves acknowledgement? Were you good this past week? Are you proud of your accomplishment(s)?

Well, I was definitely a more patient driver (which surely reduced my stress level ;;) hehe!)

...Don't wanna show off too much so I'll stop here and open the floor to all you wonderful people :) .

M-Pact Dis!

Friday, June 15

Laff IT Off - Avalon sticky-fingers!

hahaha! The weirdest thing happened to me this morning, on my way to work. First, I'd like to state for the record that this NEh-VER happens to me...well, hardly ever :p

Some dude chased me in his car and finally placed a Post It note with a message, on my passenger window :))

Here's what really happened...

Thursday, June 14

Laff IT Off - Street LightS!

Early in the morning tho?! #yawn (Traffic signal leading to the Bar beach road intersection..."T" junction) 
Ahh! I'm confused. [Can't think so early in the day]

Should I stop? Should I attempt to go but wait? Should I just go?

Arrgggghhhhh! #TuggingOnMyIndianTracks

Hey...I know wat. I'll just drive straight and see where that leads me :D
                                                                          What's the worst that could happen?! /please

Wednesday, June 13


Oh people :D... it's been a real fun evening :)  and guess what I've been able to do?!

....YUP! Close enough.


I was flipping through the pages of this and last Tuesday's The Guardian (Nigerian newspaper) and I was very excited to see a bunch of empowering seminars to take place within the week, next month, and before the year runs out.

However, my excitement was only for like 3 minutes. Why?! Well, you should take a look as well #ConfusedFace#

Then again, why don't I just tell you. What's with all the fees? Why wasn't there a free seminar? Why aren't the seminars and talks free, anywayz?! I really don't understand. Or was I looking in the wrong national paper?!

And can I add, these fees weren't like a regular N1, 000 - N5, 000. No! They were borderline N 0.02 mil - N 0.15 mil (as everything in naija is in millions now. :p hahaha!)

I wanna attend a nice seminar. Sit amongst great minds. Feel inspired. Get empowered. Exhibit Responsibility!

:-w no faiiiirrrrrrrrrr...

Sunday, June 10

M-Pact Dis!

I would like to start a new trend, if y'all don't mind. I call it M-Pact (impact) Dis. Basically, I would love for everyone to go out into the week with a more positive attitude. Do something you never do on a regular (or done before).

Feed a blind man/woman. Help children/ the elderly cross the road. Give way to people when driving. Teach someone something new and important. Stop an (avoidable) accident from happening. Do something nice for your parents/ siblings. Give someone a hug. Smile at someone frowning. Tell someone "I love you" (please, only do this with no weird intentions involved...it's more effective this way : p #noCreepers).

You can always come back here and leave a comment, however I'll always bring this up every Sunday so that we can all share with each other and learn from each other. Impact one another. [Make a Change ;) yea baby!]

P/S: Let's make it real cool too #'CosThatzHowIRollz#
After your comment on what achievement you made, end with the phrase "M-Pact Dis!"
Makes it like a dare, a challenge, for someone to do better or just as much.

And I end by saying, I LOVE YOU ALL and God bless us all (hence, no freaking suicidal tots for the week o #smh).



Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and great Sunday.

I just love Sundays. Probably because I love to go to church and get greatly inspired. Though I dread that Monday is just a few hours away (curse you Monday!!!), but just the mere fact that I still have these few hours...and it's Sunday :), gets me by.

So today again, I got inspired with the "Making a Change" topic. Last Sunday, I mentioned a few things that need to be worked on [refer back to June 3 post]. The continuation to that would be:

Fourthly, our POLITICS AND LEADERSHIP must change. I used to be a believer of politics being a dirty game, but the truth of the matter is we do not have the right people in it. We (who want positive change) need to get involved. Ask questions; Demand answers; Assist anyway we can; Work together.

Fifth, our LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER must change. It's as simple as this "do unto others as you would like done unto you." If you know you would get mad if someone cuts you in traffic, then don't cut someone else....Geez!

Sixth, our EMPHASIS ON LIFE must change. Learn to cling onto the things that are good, necessary, and important not onto things that we merely desire. Don't fight over who's got the longer hair extensions #RollingEyeballs# or save all your hard earnings on this one expensive car you end up turning into a show (not to be driven but admired from a distance). Truth be told, when you pass on, what would you be remembered by?! What will you take along with you?! #SaidSarcastically: That'sWhatITot#
Give things the proper value people. It's honestly what you give to others that has greater value.

Lastly (before I finally send everyone to sleep : p lol), our OUR VIEW OF LIFE AND ETERNITY must change. Live a simple life and keep things simple.

I tell you, our country/ community/ situation will change ONLY because YOU/ I decide to change.

Make your decision NOW!

(P/S: I'm not a pastor oh : p but we all need to hear this and I'm making a change by openly sharing and spreading this message out there).
Good luck with everything and stay POSITIVE :)

Friday, June 8

Laff IT Off - Frat broda!

Times mustta gotten real hard :D. If this is your fellow frat brother, stretch out a helping hand. It's the "brotherhood" thing to do.
Came across this guy on a street off Awolowo road, Ikoyi (Lagos, Nigeria).

Theta Chi Phi Fraternity jersey
Hmmm... I hope this shirt isn't Aba-made o (i.e. Made in China hehe!) Does this frat really exist?!

Tuesday, June 5

Be Stupid (for change)

Diesel is genius for its latest ad campaigns. It's geared towards fashion but it is applicable in all areas of life... (and I love it <3)

"Smart sees what is, Stupid sees what could be. Stupid may fail, Smart doesn't even try. BE STUPID!"
Definitely NOT this kinda stupid 
Or this. I hope this isn't even true. WTF?!
Pardon me, but this is gonna be more of a picture kinda message. To show that there are other concerned folk out there (in case you are one with us).

Sunday, June 3


I hate it when my friends abroad make (negative) comments about home. We do this, We don't do this. We are backwards and will never move forward, We are corrupt, etc.

Maybe we are. But what are you doing about it?! Don't you think you are somewhat the reason we are not improving?! Negative comments and abandonment never fixed anything though.

So, basically in church today I got an epiphany. I do agree things need to change but the major question is where to start from? The reason things have not changed [in Nigeria] is because we (yes! you and I) have refused to accept to change things. We are too cynical...and that NEEDS to change.

First, we must change OUR LIVES. Stop living like money is everything. Believe it or not, there was actually a time we didn't need visas to go to other countries. And there were times when N 500 gave you about 400 pounds.
[Honor is much more greater than money...'cause when you get money, you'll eventually use it to get honor]

Second, we must change OURSELVES. Individuals must change. People no longer have values or teach values. Children and young adults have no one to look up to (in a positive light). We must regain values: know right from wrong, be respectful, be kind, be positive.

Third, if you are a Christian, you need to understand that our Christianity must change. How can non-Christians admire Christ, but have negative views on us, CHRISTians?! We do not need to compete against each other. We need to stop segregation within the house of God. We need to remember to focus on getting souls for Christ/ saving souls, rather than buying the most expensive somethings that'll end up not being used as often as you brush your teeth.

Change needs to come from me. It needs to come from YOU. What can you do to make a change in your community?! If one man (Martin Luther King Jr) could Have A Dream, why can't 5...10...200...1 million of us?!

P/S: R.I.P. to all the lost souls from the Dana airlines catastrophe (and nationwide). May your families, loved ones, and friends find comfort at this point in time.
Accept it or not...But It Shall Be Well.
                   (Have a great week everyone; as you practice patience, love, kindness, and gratitude)

Friday, June 1


Happy New Month everyone :)

So, I'm happy May is over because too much weirdness happened in that month. The most bizarre of them all is this new ZoMbIe apocalypse that seems to be resurRECTING from all angles.


So there was the incident that happened not too long ago in Miami, Florida. It was reported on the 29th of May, that a man by the name of Rudy Eugene (31 years old) was repeatedly growling like an animal as he chewed at the face of his victim.
(continue at your own risk...will contain gory pictures)