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Sunday, June 24

M-Pact Dis!

Soup Kitchen- June 23rd, 2012 (Apapa, last busstop)
"God bless you people and enrich your pockets oh," that's what she told me after she had assumed we were from Redeem Christian Church of God and received the shock that it was not (directly) a religious function.

My response, "God bless us all oh, madame. We have to help each other for Nigeria to be a better place."

So the Soup Kitchen was a success :) #yaaay#
We gave out clothes, kitchen supplies, footwear, books and inspirational-note calendars, amongst others.

We were entertained as well by the people we were catering you. The funniest thing we heard was a man yelling, "don't give all these small gehz o. They will go to their 7 boyfriends and still be collecting..." =)) They were a happy and grateful bunch.

And guess what?! It didn't even cost us much (just fuel consumption and about 3 hours of our morning time).

Remember, when you give, whatever leaves your hands DOES NOT leave your life (i.e. the impact made is much more greater).

[p/s: more pictures coming soon]


  1. Replies
    1. He will bless us all 'Mide.
      Baby steps :) And thank you for the opportunity #muah!


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