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Friday, November 28

Moving On To Bigger Things

I have been quiet for long (again). But that's not 'cause I am tired of blogging (hell nah! far from it).

It's 'cause Miss Idowu here has been up to a lot, which required a lot of focus, energy, and a little bit of investing too (all types).

Good news is, I'm taking the blogging a step further and higher. Will spend more time blogging at a different location ( :( which means yet another dry spell over here) with a different approach/ focus.

Please stay with me and continue your amazing support. Follow US/Subscribe at gainrecruitment.blogspot.com . Visit to learn more about G.A.I.N.

We promise to be very entertaining, still very much insightful, and just as frequent...I mean before the dry spell periods :p or just scratch that. [You know what I mean anyway]

Thank you. And see you later xoxo

Tuesday, April 8

Mrs. Adam and Mr. Eve

This is not blasphemy, but instead mere wonder.

I can't remember what sparked my curiosity the other day, however, it had me puzzling on the genesis of what we know today as "man" and "woman."

Let's begin with a few Bible references, then I'll get to my curiosity.

Saturday, April 5

Ill-treatment at Heathrow (questioning Arik Airline's standards)

It's terribly sad when you get ill-treated by foreigners, in their country, especially when there in no basis to their behavior. My brother's mother in law flew into Heathrow airport on the Arik airline (on Thursday the 3rd of April, 2014) and the experience she narrated deserves to be thoroughly looked into.

She told us how when the Arik airline landed at the Heathrow airport, all the Nigerians were directed into a room and had 25 police officers in front of them, with dogs, to search them and their luggage. She told us how they were professional about the situation, as they were not informed why this was taking place (which made them all assume they either had a tip-off or something must have happened on a previous flight).
Why would anyone think it's okay to treat individuals that way?! Well, for us Nigerians, it's because we let people get away with that crap and don't say anything. I wasn't on that flight but I am saying something. I am saying it's not okay to treat us all like criminals without basis. I am saying it's not okay to segregate Nigerians out of a pack because you had one or two bad experiences. I am saying it's not okay to give us seats at the back of the plane on other non-Nigerian airlines (as my mum thinks it's intentional lol). I am saying we are human beings and have rights too; we may not scream it out but we know our worth...and we deserve better and to be treated fairly.

And now, as far as I am concerned, that has put a bad taste in my mouth about Arik airline. Thanks for tanishing their credibility, since you've acted like they carry criminals and can't do a thorough sweep of illegals. Nice job!

(My heart goes out to the elderly lady who felt traumatized after the incident. I heard she was treated the worse because apparently "people use older women to smuggle things now." *smh* Heard she was crying a lot and very confused... someone's granma. #ItIsWell)

Sunday, March 23

Remember Who YOU Are.

I truly don't get why people can get so depressed enough to commit suicide. Don't get me wrong, I understand that people can get so overwhelmed that the thought of not going on could come to ones mind (being there, done that), but to actually plan it all out and go through with it... No No No No *smh*

Thank God for wisdom though... and maturity... and real self-esteem. Talk as much crap about me, have your opinion about me, but it won't phase me because this is MY life i'm living, not any body else's. You do not understand me like I do. You can not love ME as much as I can.

So I thought I would share this with you this Sunday. You may not even know you are going through a challenge yourself till you watch the video and understand. And if you know someone else (male or female) who is always down, depressed, talking "insane"... or just a very dear friend; do share with them the video below:

Always remember, YOU are unique, YOU are loved, and YOU are AWESOME!

Happy Sunday y'all :*

Friday, March 21

You made it, if you were born around the 60s to the 80s!

I thought this video made a lot of sense. Please enjoy below;


Wednesday, March 12

Your Trash is Kelvin's inspiration.

Kelvin Doe is only 15 years old. He has not even gone off to the university yet. His story will make you feel weak, yet very strong.

Please watch the mini documentary here.

I'd like to add, that David also made a very valid point (which I have been trying to get people to pay serious attention to). He said, "Sierra Leone and many African countries receive aid, but it does NOT necessarily get us anywhere.WE ARE NOT LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE. WE ARE NOT DESIGNING OUR OWN FUTURE."

Are you designing your own future?

Wednesday, March 5

Dreams Coming True: Case "Lupita"

Congratulations to Lupita Nyong'o'. She worked her butt off. Probably didn't expect this much fame and glory over a very short period of time (Dec. 2013 till now), however, this is just a typical example of hard-work paying off and believing in ones-self.
Receiving her award at the Oscars for best supporting actress
And as with fame comes backlash and misunderstandings. There's the Dencia vs Lupita ish, then a few minutes ago, I read about how some people are looking at her skin color as a seasonal "trend." Like that even makes any sense..."i like Pharrell's shorts suit, imma get me 5... i'm loving the new blonde looks, imma dye my hair blonde... i'm feeling Lupita's color, imma *blank*" #ridiculous

I thought to write this piece because I was watching on the news yesterday Dangote being interviewed. Dangote has made it to the top 25 Richest people in the world. Mike Adenuga is also on Forbes list... then I recollected someone telling me once that Adenuga was once a driver. And this man is now on Forbes list of the Richest people in the world. hmmm...what number am I on that list sef?! (Don't even bother teasing. A friend did and already told me it's not too late to become a driver :p #joker)
*Back to the matter*

Anyhoo, back to Lupita...
I wonder if she even thought she would have legends on her contacts list. 
She has graced the red carpet with her flawless skin (oh! how I love flawless dark-skin), rocked beautiful garments... however, I truly would have love to see her rock a little more African-inspired outfits or at least made by an African designer. Spread the love girl (or am I wrong?!)

Your dreams can come true... for real!