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Wednesday, March 5

Dreams Coming True: Case "Lupita"

Congratulations to Lupita Nyong'o'. She worked her butt off. Probably didn't expect this much fame and glory over a very short period of time (Dec. 2013 till now), however, this is just a typical example of hard-work paying off and believing in ones-self.
Receiving her award at the Oscars for best supporting actress
And as with fame comes backlash and misunderstandings. There's the Dencia vs Lupita ish, then a few minutes ago, I read about how some people are looking at her skin color as a seasonal "trend." Like that even makes any sense..."i like Pharrell's shorts suit, imma get me 5... i'm loving the new blonde looks, imma dye my hair blonde... i'm feeling Lupita's color, imma *blank*" #ridiculous

I thought to write this piece because I was watching on the news yesterday Dangote being interviewed. Dangote has made it to the top 25 Richest people in the world. Mike Adenuga is also on Forbes list... then I recollected someone telling me once that Adenuga was once a driver. And this man is now on Forbes list of the Richest people in the world. hmmm...what number am I on that list sef?! (Don't even bother teasing. A friend did and already told me it's not too late to become a driver :p #joker)
*Back to the matter*

Anyhoo, back to Lupita...
I wonder if she even thought she would have legends on her contacts list. 
She has graced the red carpet with her flawless skin (oh! how I love flawless dark-skin), rocked beautiful garments... however, I truly would have love to see her rock a little more African-inspired outfits or at least made by an African designer. Spread the love girl (or am I wrong?!)

Your dreams can come true... for real!

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