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Tuesday, April 8

Mrs. Adam and Mr. Eve

This is not blasphemy, but instead mere wonder.

I can't remember what sparked my curiosity the other day, however, it had me puzzling on the genesis of what we know today as "man" and "woman."

Let's begin with a few Bible references, then I'll get to my curiosity.

Pay particular (or only) attention to the underlined text.
Gotten from the New International Version  (NIV) 

I understand the Bible was originally written in Hebrew and was written by people who had that encounter with God to write it (not that they were actually in the room when it all did (for the most parts of it). Let's begin...

The Bible states that God didn't want "man" to be alone so he created a helper. While this human being was in deep sleep, God took from its ribs to create another being.

[My thoughts: Ever since the beginning of life, the male species has never been the child-bearer/ been able to conceive. This has always been the job of the female species... what we call today "woman." Side note: Even the virgin Mary was able to conceive without the contribution of her "man" but by the Holy SpiritCould "man" really have been used to describe the FEMALE?!]

It further goes on to state, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife..."

[My thoughts: I can't really confirm how it's been done in the past, however, as long as I've known, the rite of passage when two people marry to 'become one,' it somewhat seems like the man isn't really leaving anything. The "woman" is the one leaving her parents, moving into a new home to be united with "his wife." She packs her load out of her parents house. The "man" does the same (somewhat) but the picture is never painted this way.]

Anyhoo, I'm not trying to convince anyone of what is or what isn't. But I just wonder, What if Adam was the female and Eve was the male... What if Eve (the MALE) did eat the forbidden fruit and pass it on to Adam (the FEMALE) to make a point (maybe ego related; idk)... What if our very existence is not gender-discriminatory/ specific, but rather requires us to always work together (for good)...and not look for a particular species to blame, to shame, to rule over, or to tie genetics to explain why we [think we] are stronger.

What do you think??? Do you see a bigger picture too?

(p/s: i'm weird... i know :-p lol)

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