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Friday, April 19

Agric-Kulture (Series 3)


A few people do not know the importance of having a protein-rich diet, while there's that other percentage of people who are aware but wonder where they can get more protein in their diet from. Here is a wide range of choices for you: beans, poultry, meat, seafood, dairy foods (milk, cheese, yogurt), eggs, pork, and soy.

The great thing about proteins is they help you shed those unwanted pounds/kilograms and keep your belly full. Which means your portions don't have to be as tiny as putting together 3 sugar cubes.

Obtained from WebMd
(Try swapping the carbohydrate portions like rice, with your protein portions like chicken. Take in less carbs and more protein)

Today's focus however is on the option between consuming chicken and/or turkey.
STYTIG FARMS (Nigeria) products
Oddly enough, different parts of the poultry animal contain different levels of nutritional value (depending on the serving size as well). What is for sure is listed in the table below:

Depending on what contents you are looking to increase in your diet, either is a very good source of protein (e.g. if you prefer turkey because it has less calories, however you are on a sodium-restricted diet, choosing to eat chicken is more suitable as it can help you stabilize your blood pressure).

Thinking eating chicken and turkey is plain boring- no pun intended. Use them interchangeably in your recipes for salads, sandwiches, cooked in stews, baked/ grilled/roasted, garnished with lemon, make meatballs out of them, have it shredded as a meal, have it in soup (turkey/chicken noodle soup), etc. (There a wide range of options...Make Google your friend :) )

So switch your diet to something healthier. Restrain from fatty meals and get more protein in your diet. I know a farm that has a bountiful supply for you ;) #StytigFarms. Thank me later.


Thank you for tuning in to another issue of Agric-Kulture. [Questions and Comments are always welcome]

####Signed...Sealed...Processed and DONE!####

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