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Friday, April 19

Agric-Kulture (Series 3)


A few people do not know the importance of having a protein-rich diet, while there's that other percentage of people who are aware but wonder where they can get more protein in their diet from. Here is a wide range of choices for you: beans, poultry, meat, seafood, dairy foods (milk, cheese, yogurt), eggs, pork, and soy.

The great thing about proteins is they help you shed those unwanted pounds/kilograms and keep your belly full. Which means your portions don't have to be as tiny as putting together 3 sugar cubes.

Obtained from WebMd
(Try swapping the carbohydrate portions like rice, with your protein portions like chicken. Take in less carbs and more protein)

Today's focus however is on the option between consuming chicken and/or turkey.
STYTIG FARMS (Nigeria) products
Oddly enough, different parts of the poultry animal contain different levels of nutritional value (depending on the serving size as well). What is for sure is listed in the table below:

Sunday, April 14

M-Pact Dis! (Cain Village, Maryland)

We did it again. We had another Soup Kitchen this past Saturday.

For those of you with questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Anyone can get involved. It's all about giving back to the community...sharing with others; being thankful to God for what you have and what you are able to give.

This time we chose a community in Maryland (around Mende- under the bridge sha). Our locations are totally random so if you have an idea of a community we can visit next, please let us know :). At first, the community elders didn't want us around. They said, "we don't need (your) charity" however we saw the situation in that area and thought we could just move to a neutral spot and whoever visits gets blessed ;).

Anyways, here are the pictures of yet another successful outreach.

We had about 12 boxes of Indomie noodles, 40 bags of pure water sachets, 500 hard-boiled eggs (11 of those crates courtesy of STYTIG FARMS ;) ;) ). I'd like to toot my own horn though- I BOILED 330 EGGS ALL BY MYSELF that morning. #phew# That's a whole lotta work though.

Back to the pictures now:

Accidents and those who are prone

Response to the title    =     EVERYONE.

Yes dear, this includes you.
Maryland. Heading towards Mende (under the bridge)

Saturday morning (yesterday) and there's already a 5-car chain accident. How to avoid an accident like this is to keep a safe following-distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. What can be considered safe is enough distance that another car can almost fit into. I know this is probably hard to do in crazy Lagos, however it's better SAFE (not getting into an accident at all) than SORRY (being in an accident, being delayed, and having to fix your car).

Moving towards Western Avenue
In case you are having a hard time comprehending what you are looking at, it is an overturned truck/ lorry which was carrying cement. Maybe the driver was asleep?! Maybe he lost control of the wheel?!
My preventive suggestion here is:

  • Caution your (truck/bus) drivers to drive at a reduced speed (at least the very many uniformed officers can contribute by helping regulate this). A "Tell me how I'm driving" sign on the back of the truck is a good way of feedback from other drivers (that care); because guess what: an accident on your vehicle will NOT be covered by the driver involved.
  • Encourage your drivers to be asleep during the day, by not giving them much work during the day. If they get a chance to sleep during the day, they should be more energized and awake during the night, when traveling with your vehicle.
Accidents aren't merely an unpleasant sight and commotion bound. They are a huge hassle on the parties involved and can be reduced/ avoided.

People please learn to be more patient on the roads. It goes a really long way... try it out for a while (it may be annoying 'cos people might want to make you feel like you can't drive, but greatly rewarding).

What's YOUR advice on how to drive/ live safer in Lagos???

Friday, April 5

Driver's Licence Palava.

Someone tell me why oh why there's just one driver's licence center in the whole of (New York-size) Lagos State?! :-s

And from their website, you would think they are definitely living in the 21st century like the rest of us #smh. People say there's nothing to do/ no jobs. I say here's a perfect job opportunity (for at least 200 Nigerians). FRSC, we appreciate your work so far (-ish) but please, consider having more centers...maybe in major cities. Then, your staff can also live happier lives and attend to the rest of us properly.

There are like 7 different spots you will have to visit to get everything all done and do note that you SHOULD NOT expect to be all done in a day or two.
 A typical schedule at the center would include:

Thursday, April 4

M-Pact Dis! (Day at Modupe Cole)

On Thursday, I was privileged to make another trip to a place with great abilities (despite a number of shortcomings... my first visit there was in 2005, before I went off to college).

Modupe Cole is a Child care and Treatment center/school/home for handicapped and mentally challenged individuals, in Lagos state. It is located in Yaba and caters to people with different disabilities such as autism, multiple sclerosis, down syndrome, birth defeats, after-effects of polio, etc. Not everyone resides at the Home though; some of the children do come from their own homes.

This center is equipped with a school, vocational training rooms (shoe making, hair braiding, mop making, artistry, weaving, etc), a library, common rooms, as well as dormitories.

Do enjoy the pictorial/ video-capture of our (FirstBank executive trainees') fun day at Modupe Cole Center.