It's real simple. If, for example, you are in an elevator [you can excuse yourself and] press the next floor to get off at. If you are standing somewhere with the smelly person, walk away (not rudely of course). Yea, the person may get offended, but WTH they are wrong too for thinking it's okay.
I'm all for being nice and all but I think stinky people just take the piss. It's not directly some of them's fault but com'on! Be a little more considerate. I get bad breathe sometimes #Don'tLookAtMeLikeDat /:) # but when I'm talking to people I do not talk directly in their face/ nose. I give a slight tilt or talk like the words are coming out of my ears. You know you have body odor (yea! you do because someONE has had to have told you) yet you come right next to someone to receive a call. THE PHONE IS MOBILE! MOVE AWAY!!!
So, here's my quick "How-to" guide on getting yourself out of a smelly situation.
Be pretty direct about moving away to avoid the stench. They may get offended
but aslong as you are not directly rude about it i.e. making verbal comments, the
person will be fine.
Any other suggestions?
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