DidatSY inspired!!! Remember: To succeed, you either be the first, the best, or different...I choose different For strictly Agricultural content, kindly type "Agric" in the search button above ^ . Thank you

Friday, July 20

Innovative thoughts can occur in ANYone...even YOU!

Without talking about YOU for a second, let's talk about someone who took that brave step. Meet the 15 year old [yea! you read right] who is changing how we test for Cancer.

I've always thought (and still do) that we are missing the simplest things because we are thinking too hard or too far out. Sometimes I think the cure for AIDS [if the US government doesn't already have it and being selfish with it...to make pharmaceutical companies keep selling... - #sigh# another topic for another day people] is right under our noses but we are all just looking for complicated/ complex solutions to these problems.

Thank goodness for 15-year-old, Jack Andraka, a high school freshman, who came up with a simple and inexpensive test to diagnose pancreatic cancer. Here's his story:

Jack Andraka is a 15-year-old student from Maryland, who took first place in this year's Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), with his mind-blowing discovery of a paper sensor that detects pancreatic cancer 168 times faster than current tests. His discovery is also 90% accurate, 400 times more sensitive, and 26,000 times LESS expensive than today's methods. Summary: It's much more better.

"I became interested in early detection [because a friend's brother was killed by the disease], did a ton of research, and came up with this idea," Andraka said. 
Jack Andraka's dip-stick sensor can test blood or urine for a certain protein called mesothelin, which indicates the presence of the specific cancer. According to Andraka, it can detect cancer even before it becomes invasive.

He plans to use his $75,000 winnings to invest in his college education, with plans to become a pathologist. However, in the meantime, Jack plans to start clinical trials with the sensor, meet with Quest Diagnostics, and get his product on the market within 10 years. [hmmm... what was I doing in high school/ college?!...one word = alcohol x_x ]

What are you gonna do now?

Sunday, July 15

Staying healthy during the climate change

No one is (totally) stupid. You know the obvious when it comes to staying healthy and well (so I'm pretty much wasting my time here). However, how come you still end up at the doctors?! Or with a huge sickness-blister around your lip?! Or sneezing and sniffling real bad after being (let's say) caught in the consistent rain-pours, in a not so thick outfit that has a lot of skin out...?!

It's okay. We all fall prey to ailments, however, a few of them can be easily avoided if we paid closer attention. Health is Wealth people...Word!

Here's what to do to make sure you still ON TOP of the weather/ climate change as much as possible:

- Avoiding malaria: Mosquitoes breed around stagnant water. If you live or work around a swampy area or an area with little puddles of water here and there, you are an easy access for mosquitoes to visit. It's almost inevitable that you can avoid them, however, in your home make sure you use an insecticide to disinfect your rooms, daily. Preferably as you step out to work, spray an effective amount to get rid of any mosquito currently inhabiting your home while repelling any who plans to come visit. [ How cool is that?!]

- Avoiding a cold/flu: If the weather isn't too hot and sunny, it's raining heavily. And because of this, our windows are up and our air conditioning on, while we drive around. Even at our offices, they have the air conditioning on full blast, while you shiver away. Stay warm and never leave your house without a sweater or cardigan in hand. An umbrella is also very important for the rainy days, but I'll like to hit more on having a SWEATER or CARDIGAN in hand. Thick scarves are good too. Plus, on those rainy day, try to stay away from very cold beverages at all times. Mix it up: have a hot/warm cup of cocoa, drink lukewarm water, etc.

- Avoiding terrible allergies: You know what you are allergic to, then have your aid available at all times. That's it! Have it constantly around. Your supplements, your inhaler and refills, pocket tissue, vitamins... the whole works. Another reason having such on you is important is so that if there is a crisis and people are unable to communicate with you, seeing what you have on you would give them an idea of a possible problem you may be going through (making professional aid more effective and immediate).

- Avoiding catching something contagious: You can be as careful as possible, always prepared to keep warm, having a mosquito repellent in your top drawer, etc; however you can still be very prone to a (contagious) ailment not by your own demise. Best advise: have your hands far away from your face as possible. Here's what I mean...

Your hand goes everywhere: inside your nose (eww! i know), your eye(s), your mouth, on an open sore, etc. They also go here: opening doors, touching railings, touching tables, touching people (helping someone up, high fives, getting someone to move away when they don't hear you say it, hand shakes - hmm, now I get why Ose bobo made it an ish to only give fist-pounds to guys. He did tell me he knows how guys can be very dirty :-p ), etc. All these external places carry germs. What you need to go is watch your hands very frequently (note that there's also a technique to effective hand wash). Every time you think you would need to touch an eye or have your hand in your mouth, wash your hands...trust me, your hands are not THAT clean. It also helps to have hand sanitizers handy, however realize it only kills the germs, not get it off your hands (washing does that).

Thinking of something else I didn't mention, feel free to add it below.

Oh, P/S: If you've already caught something...ermm, you would know because you won't feel like your usual self (duh!). As I was saying, if you feel different from usual and not in a good way, you should seek medical attention immediately. Early symptoms are always easy to treat (could take less than a week to get rid of) and less expensive ;) .

Take care of yourself everyone. Be safe.

Thursday, July 12

Welcome to Mister AFRICA International ;)

Just LESS than a month ago, I introduced to you the young-mind called Twitch, who is without a doubt going places (and not waiting on a phone to ring or an employer to fall from the sky into his kitchen). Well, the House of Twitch is back with yet another innovative concept to improve the continent of Africa (and may I add, feed your eyes ;) ).

Mister Africa International is a quest to find the most adorable man of African origin (yes honey! It could be you ;;) ).

20 country representatives will travel down to London this year for the maiden edition of the Mister Africa International, the search for the most desirable man in the world, of African origin.
The two main problems facing most African countries are POVERTY and UNEMPLOYMENT. The winner of the Mister Africa International will dedicate his year to raising money for small scale businesses in Africa.

The Mister Africa International is organised by [you guessed it] ...the House of Twitch (producers of Mr. Ideal Nigeria pageant @ www.mridealnigeria.com) and Mr. Earth South Africa. Although first of its kind, the pageant promises to be a great one and will be held on the 29TH of SEPTEMBER, 2012 at LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, one of London's largest institutions.
(This venue has been chosen in the spirit of the Olympics)

"The idea is to gather some of the most handsome, sporty young men with amazing entrepreneurial skills in the  world of African Origin, which will happen in London, Home of the Olympics," Ayotunde Fabamwo, President of the pageant explained to Didatsy. 
Oh me, oh my! I need a front roll seat. Entrepreneurial skills are hard to notice from the back :D
Those who will wish to participate or want more information should email mister_africa@coolgoose.com or ayotunde@missomolewa.com

Do you have what it takes?!

Monday, July 9

Empowering the Kids

I was listening to the radio this morning. I think it was 99.2 FM or so. And for the first time ever, I didn't change the station while "random talking" was going on. They were talking about the next generation of kids and something I paid close attention to was when someone mentioned that in (junior) school, all kids are recognized whether they have exceptional grades or not and she thought this gave them no real idea of the real world, because in the real world, mediocrity does not get awarded (with a consolation price). Not everyone agreed with her idea of keeping it totally-real with the kids and only awarding those who actually deserve it - which should push the others to do better if they wanted to be recognized too (as well as be great in future). In their own defenses, mediocre kids need encouragement and consolation-acknowledgement is essential.


You have to agree with me though that kids of nowadays have no concept of reality, which  truth be told will set most of them (if not all) for failure in the real world.

I would like to share a speech I retrieved from the internet which has Bill Gates addressing a bunch of high school kids about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. You may already be aware of this talk, however, it's worth a second look.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $60, 000 (~ N 9.5 million) a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Saturday, July 7

How To Get Out of a SMELLY Situation


It's real simple. If, for example, you are in an elevator [you can excuse yourself and] press the next floor to get off at. If you are standing somewhere with the smelly person, walk away (not rudely of course). Yea, the person may get offended, but WTH they are wrong too for thinking it's okay.


I'm all for being nice and all but I think stinky people just take the piss. It's not directly some of them's fault but com'on! Be a little more considerate. I get bad breathe sometimes #Don'tLookAtMeLikeDat /:) # but when I'm talking to people I do not talk directly in their face/ nose. I give a slight tilt or talk like the words are coming out of my ears. You know you have body odor (yea! you do because someONE has had to have told you) yet you come right next to someone to receive a call. THE PHONE IS MOBILE! MOVE AWAY!!!


So, here's my quick "How-to" guide on getting yourself out of a smelly situation.

                           Be pretty direct about moving away to avoid the stench. They may get offended
                           but aslong as you are not directly rude about it i.e. making verbal comments, the
                           person will be fine.


Any other suggestions?

Wednesday, July 4

Series of Fortunate-Unfortunate Events

Lemme start off with my least risky encounter today.

I went to the British Council today (personal business people b-) ). I met with a young gentleman who was a security guard. We got talking (official business) and he told me how he was always excited to see marketers at work and stuff, while I was half not-interested - as I think marketing can be a drag 8-| . He enlightened me that he used to work as a marketer...#GetThis#...for Standard Chartered bank :-o . Now he's a security guard, just trying to make ends meet. He went on talking about how it's hard tryna talk to any girl he likes 'cause they won't take him seriously (ermm... a bit off topic he went). blah blah blah...

Anyway, I called that risky because it's a deep realization for a lot of us. We may be struggling (and I'm not saying you should settle for just anything), however, we should also realize that what we need to do is work every position we are in to our fullest potential.
[Also, I think he tried to hit on me just before I left :-/ ...Risky! yet fortunate]

So, I'm heading back to work after this encounter and trying to put down a quick note for my report when I get stopped by...ermm...not LASTMA or LAWMA or a Traffic Warden. Some dude in a Fushia-like uniform-top. He requests why my seat belt is not on x_x [I totally forgot to do that and didn't even notice him on time]. On a normal day, he would've made me pull over and sieved my vehicle and/or demanded a fine (which would go into his pocket, of course). But fortunately for me, he let me go...thank God 'cause I was definitely in the wrong here and wouldn't have known how to get out of it.
[Also, this guy I remember very well. He demanded I pay a fine sometime in the past, when my friends (Salo baby and Sole-sole) and I made a U-turn on that street. Apparently, that wasn't allowed and there were no signs but becuase he knows it's not allowed, he believed we were wrong ...RISKY! yet fortunate]

Now time for dessert!

Sitting at the traffic light, waiting for the green signal. The traffic signal finally changes to green. I look both ways to make sure no car is still approaching. Every incoming car seemed to have stopped right before the white line on the ground. Still proceeding with caution, then one bus zooms right across in front of me :-o...

I'm thanking God I wasn't in a hurry to go 'cause it wudda been a straight-up major causality. In shock and still proceeding with caution, another smaller car zooms right in front as well. I just looked straight at the SIX (6) traffic controllers in front of me, as some were still chatty, while the others looked shocked as well.
[RISKY!!! bless-you-Lord fortunate]

I'm still a believer of when-it's-your-time-it's-your-time and it obviously wasn't and isn't my time o:-) .
I have so much impact to make in my society. No one will bring me down.


###P/S: Real names of friends hidden to protect their identity. hehehe :p ###

Tuesday, July 3

Laff IT Off - Lambo-Ogini!

World, meet the newest technological addition to the Nigerian roads. You know how they say most counterfeit things in naija are Aba-made lool. Well, meet the LAMBO-OGINI!!! (named it myself :p)


Have a great day, y'all.

Sunday, July 1

M-Pact Dis!


What a long weekend it was. Shout out to my muffin who celebrated her birthday this weekend. May God grant you good health and a prosperous life (IJN...Amen!)

Yes beautiful people. It's yet the end of another weekend, and a moment to share with each other the positives we've involved ourselves with during the week. Motivate each other to go into the new week with a better attitude (and make the world a better place).

I'll take the floor first ( 8-| like I always do) and say what other way to show love than showing great appreciation. The  act of kindness I would like to share with y'all is to WHOLE-HEARTEDLY THANK YOU ALL for the views, comments, support, and love you've shown to my page. I couldn't have made it this far without y'all (so believe it or not, you are actually nicer than you thought >:d< ). My blog is just 2 months old and I feel so accomplished already...and for that I say THANK YOU (Jah's blessings).

If there's anything else you think my blog might be missing and would like to suggest a few heres and theres, I'm very open to your suggestions (also as long as it doesn't defeat my purpose :-> )

So go out there and continue to be kind. Have a great JULY everyone. Happy New Month!!!