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Sunday, February 23

Saving, Childhood

I have heard the likes of Michael Jackson did not have a childhood. Probably because he started his career at such a young age and didn't have the opportunities most children have, to play in the fields and hang out with his age group.

But what if your child had all these "luxuries", but yet is lacking the true essence of having a childhood?!

(True stories...as I am just as sad they really happened)

What if your 5 year old comes to meet you to ask your permission to kiss his girlfriend, because all the others in school are kissing their girlfriends?!

What if your 10 year old tells you, "Mummy, you let me visit my friends who are guys but you never let me visit my friends who are girls. How do you know i'm not gay?"

Or, what if in a bible class you are supervising, a child stands up and talks about Solomon having many wives and concubines and God still loving him, only to justify why he doesn't see anything wrong with having many girlfriends.

What would you really do? How would you handle it?

We really need to be better adults in our communities and save a child's childhood. That's all they have now and truth be told, they need us to direct them right. However, just in case you are caught in such a predicament, what would you do?

Monday, February 3

Internship Opportunities (my giving-back project)

I have definitely come up with a lot of great ideas in the past. Some I'm still praying will see the light of day; others... let's just call part of a phase in my life. But the most recent, I refuse to let go of. It's the introduction of an internship program in Nigeria.

I'm probably not the only one who has thought of it, or even the first to do it, however I have a goal and I refuse to let any "competition" destroy my passion for great (and fair) success in our children/ youths. I see a gap and I want to help seal it up. There is a need and I will help satisfy it.

I remember when I was in college, I was fortunate enough to experience what the outside world was like. I got a lot of practical experience, both in school and during my summer internship programs. They were all worth it. Learning something news is always worth it. However, I have noticed we do not have such an opportunity (as summer internships) prominent in Nigeria. Trust me, there is a huge different between a straight-As student who never got any experience on the field and a student with As and Bs and a little work experience here and there (it's called having an imagination and learning to think outside the box... also known as SUCCESS).

I'm in the inaugural stage of my project, but I need all the help I can get. I would appreciate a few volunteers to answer some survey questions, as well as people willing to hire the future of Nigeria. Any help I can get will be really appreciated. Help the kids... What would Jesus do? :)

If you even have any contributions at all or recommendations, do leave a comment or just hit me up directly.

I appreciate it, fam. God bless us all.

Saturday, February 1

Agric-Kulture (Series 4)


According to news reports from Aljazeera.com, China is on a high alert over new bird flu cases due to fears of deadly H7N9 bird flu virus (which has killed 22 and merely affected 110 humans so far this year). The question I'll like to address is can we have such cases in Nigeria and what can we do to prevent causalities?

This map shows, as at April 2006, the extent to which the bird flu virus has spread to wild and domestic birds (as well as humans)

Brief Intro to the Virus -