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Monday, June 17

Giving-Back never felt soooo GOOD!

I sincerely apologize for my inconsistency with updating my blog and entertaining/ educating you all. BUSY does not seem to effectively describe what I have been.

Anywayz, one good thing about my "incognito-ness" is that I'm spending more time tryna make an impact than just typing it and running my mouth/ thoughts (yes peoples! I talk the talk, and walk the walk B-) lol)

O...M....G...!!!! You have no idea how excited I am :D. Not just 'cause another Soup Kitchen is on it's way (No!) But for 2 main reasons:

  1. I'm part of an AMAZING society (called G.V.S. Full name disclosed way later, when the need arises ;) lol); which is focused on impacting our community tremendously.
  2. I just found out about this awesome place (fondly known as the Obama Corner...yes! in Lagos, Nigeria) where I can tutor/ mentor kids :D - yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
There is so much peace and contentment in giving a helping hand. If you are gonna complain about something you can change or make better (and aren't), then you are just as bad as the rest of them evil-doers and enemies-of-progress.

Touch a life today. And if you wanna be involved/ wanna know how you can be involved in aiding a community, leave a note. God does love a cheerful giver.

[Spread the word...Literally]